Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Complaint about Abuse in Knoxville taken or sent to Governmental Representatives and Media in Knoxville.


With the controversy about Prayer Before Governmental Meetings at hand, I have a suggestion for a statement which should be read before governmental meetings in Knoxville as follows…

 “In the place of prayer we now read the following statement:

1-We know we represent a community where we have violated the Sun Shine Law by meeting in Secret.

2-We know we represent a community where community leaders may be caught and charged with lascivious acts in public areas.

3-We know we represent a community where child protective organizations can become havens for child abusers. The Suicide of Joe Prest after being drugged then abandoned in jail while in the care of Child and Family Services.

4-We know we represent a community where Adult Protective Services can conveniently loose case files so that abuse of the elderly can continue. The Victim was my neighbor Helen Burleson.

5-We know we represent a community where our state can create false records where innocent individuals become listed as Felons in an attempt to promote injustice against them. Me

6-We know we represent a community where religious leaders run cults, where professionals are driven to suicide.* Attorney Charles Rader - hanged, Ann Dale Guinn - suicide gunshot, Oscar Dwayne Paul violent motorcycle accident after leaving cult, Jerry Eggers - gunshot suicide, most others died from gunshot to the head.

7-We know we represent a community where some of our best parks and picnic areas have to be closed because of homosexual activity and crime. IC King for one.

8-We know we represent a community where organizations set up to build character have become havens for bullies. A Lodge in Knoxville

9-We know we represent a community where a mentally and physically challenged boy can be gunned down and lie by the roadside in our city for three hours dying slowly after I call 911 reporting multiple gun shots, and no police response. My neighbor, Ernie Reno

10-We know we represent a community where school children hide in our yards from gangs trying to harm them.  And when the police are called, they refuse to respond claiming, “It is a school matter”. *My yard

11-We know we represent a community where attorneys can have their clients tried in secret in a closed court in an attempt to protect corrupt police officers.  Then these same attorneys, and others who refuse help, become judges, with apparent media approval. * Mary Beth Leibowitz of Leibowitz, Watson, Erickson, Stivers, and Kresson. Then Burnstine, Susano, Stair, and Cohen. Then John Rossen who interfered in the Leibowitz and gave them an excuse to remove them selves.

12-We know we represent a community where our District Attorneys Office tries to discourage a prosecution by telling victims their attacker is Mafia and the DA’s Office is afraid of him. * Assistant DA Greg Shanks

13-We know we represent a community where taking down a banking empire was more important than introducing exciting new technology to insure success of our 1982 Energy Worlds Fair. *Fluidized Bed Combustion models developed specificly for the Energy Expo,

14-We know we represent a community where victims of Legal Abuse and Corruption call radio talk shows during interviews with law professors and are cut off by the host and accused of lying. Then that same radio host is elected to County Commission. * Me

15-We know we represent a community where a high school coach can kick and stamp a young athletic student, not because the student has done anything wrong, but because the student is poor and has to work after school and cannot play on school athletic teams. * Me, by Coach Hoyt Carol at Holston High causing me to leave Holston.

16-We know we represent a community where people who come to the aid of the elderly, who are being abused by Codes Enforcement, can themselves be harassed by Codes Enforcement with threats of “If you don’t quit helping her we are going to tare your house down”. * I was trying to help Helen Burleson whose neises and nephews were trying to get control of her money by having her home torn down.

17-We know we represent a community where a woman inducted into the  “The Aviation Hall of Fame” can spend the last few months of her life in neglect while living in a care facility, I’m speaking here of Evelyn Bryan Johnson aka “Mama Bird”.  And when a caller (Me) to a local talk radio show tries to bring attention to her and other elderly neglect, he is shouted down and cut off by the host. * I later found Evelyn at lunch times with dentures missing, dead battery in hearing aid, feces on toilet seat and around floor of bathroom, all at lunch times hours after care givers should have been checking on her.

18-We know we represent a community where reckless utility workers cause house fires and attempt to deny responsibility. * Knoxville Utilities Board and My House three times in one year.

19-We know we represent a community where insurance companies cancel home insurance policies once a home is paid off, and other insurance cannot be obtained. * Mine and my 100 year old neighbor for instance.

20-We know we represent a community where “The Public Forum” portion of meetings, where concerns just such as are presented here, is moved from the beginning of the meeting to the rear in an attempt to discourage public input and exposure.

21- We know we represent a community where we find an elderly Jewish woman afraid to leave her Sequoah Hills apartment thinking her landload is trying to harm her.  And when we investigate, we find her living room ceiling on the floor, her commode loose from the floor, and a hole in her second story metal steps the size of a football where the step is rusted thru. And when we contact churches and synagogues for someone to visit with her daily to check on her, no one is willing from Main Street to North Shore Drive...  *...until I compalin to a friend at the FBI who recruits members of his Uniterian Church to check on her unitl I can have her family remove her from Knoxville.
22-We know we represent a community where persons who come before us exposing and condemning these problems will be shouted down and removed from the meeting in a sudden recess with the cameras turned off so that the public is unaware. *Me while trying to bring public attention to these matters a no help from our media.

23-We know we represent a community where our media has become a propaganda tool for politicians and projects, and has refused to report many of these injustices. These complaints have been taken to our media for years.

24-We know we represent a community where the Planetarium Projector at the East Tennessee Discovery Center in Chilhowee Park is in such bad condition that it actually discourages an interest in Astronomy.  Yet some community leaders salaries are approaching a half million dollars.

25- We know we represent a community where a young man, working un-funded, voluntarily shows his successful research to the US Department of  Energy at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, where they have failed miserably wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars, is black listed and labeled as unethical for working unfounded and beaten by law enforcement, and tried in secret in a closed court, * see above…

26- We know we represent a community where a young man parks his car in the drive way by the garage of the home of an elderly lady who helped raise him in an attempt to stop thieves from breaking in to her home, has his car towed and sold by Codes Enforcement.  *...even though the City Councilman representing that district agreed not to do it. This womans father had started Unions in the Coal mines in Kentucky before having their home blown up by the company.  But all the family excaped.

With this knowledge put forth, we now open this meeting”

Is Prayer Before Governmental Meetings a violation of the Separation of Church and State? 

I would suggest here that Prayer Before Governmental Meetings in Knoxville might be considered Blasphemy!

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