Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fluidized Bed Combustion Development, and Legal Abuse

In 1978 at the request of DOE Scientists at Oak Ridge National Labs. I returned to Knoxville to help develop a Small Fluidized Bed Combustor (FBC) for them as a Steam Car Project.  Worked un-funded I voluntarily showed my successful research to the US Department of  Energy at Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL), where the Director of ORNL, Herman Postma, states they have failed miserably after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and where my developments show that an 800 million dollar project slated for Anderson County is unnecessary.
This leads to my being blamed for the 800 million dollar project being canceled and labeled as unethical because I was “working unfunded” in my research, then Black Listed in our research community. Where upon, I am attacked by THP on I-40 one evening and beaten by law enforcement who had called truckers on CB radios and said the I was an escaping Felon who had tried to kill a police officer, and then I am tried in secret in a closed court where my own parents are not allowed to attend the trial in what in all appearances is an attempt to protect one Tennessee Highway Patrolman (THP) who had prior federal suits pending against them.  

While filing a complaint with the THP I learned a false record had been created labeling me as a Felon prior to the attack by the THP.  Attorneys tell me that Knoxvilles Insurance had been cancled and no attorney will help.  With no attorneys will help, (I even went to my church with it's large group of members who were attorneys but the church refused to help) I am left in the hands of children at the University Tennessee Law School who are able to force a Denuvo’ Ruling but I am re-arrested on the same charge several times and dragged to jail with additional bond as harassment until the Knox County Sheriff orders that I am not to be arrested again.  Then a “Contract Hit Man” shows up whom I recognizes and respond, “You don’t remember me do you. I sat with you in the hospital after you had been shot”.  To which the Hit Man replied.    “I’m sorry, there won’t be any more trouble”.

During a trip to the Patent Office in Washington, DC I hand carried a letter expressing my concerns about Legal Abuse toward me in a plea for help to National Public Radio, CBS-60 Minutes and Tennessee Congressman and Senators. But knowone would help.

Later, after studying some Law at The University of Tennessee Law School Library, I "Petition the Grand Jury As A Citizen" who throw the entire case out! All the THP are fired, and the Law firms broke up, including the ones I had approached seeking help.  But none of this is ever reported in the Media. 

Later, I am approached by a group of people and asked to intercede in the life of a beloved but alcoholic piano player. Where upon I am attacked by the owner of the restaurant after I had make arrangements with the manager to be there for that very reason, in what appears to be an apparent set-up, and I suffer a broken jaw from a sucker punch as I am leaving.  The Prosecuting Attorney from the DA’s Office tries to frighten me out of the prosecution by telling me my attacker is Mafia and the DA’s Office is afraid of him.  To which I reply that  “I once stopped a girl from being Gang Raped who turned out to be some Mafia Dawn’s daughter, and if retaliation from the Mafia is saught, it might get reversed”. The DA wet his pants. 

Some of the attorneys, and others who refuse help during the THP attack, have become judges in Knoxville, with apparent media approval. Mary Beth and Larry Leibowitz of Leibowitz, Watson, Erickson, Stivers, and Kresson first tried the case in Secret. Then John Rossin interfered and arranged a Plea Bargin, without my knowledge or approval, which gave the Leibowitz attorneys an excuess to remove themselves from the case.   Then Burnstine, Susano, Stair, and Cohen said there was nothing that could be done.

As an aside...
One of my associates at the Steam Automobile Club, Dr. John Dabbs, discovered how to make a "Touch Screen" work on computers.  He started a company to produce this and later he was placed on the Board of Directors of the company and fired! They took his company away from him and left him with nothing!
This and other technologies were withheld from our 1982 Energy Worlds Fair...



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